Dazey collects...


My interest for Tamagotchi started way back when I was a young child, in 3rd grade to be exact, when my friend let me babysit hers for a day. It was a blue v2 that had the chain taken off it. I didn't have any instructions but I was able to figure out the jist of it. It was love at first attention beep sound, and I knew exactly what to ask my parents for my birthday.

My first of my own tama was a v2, the lipstick pattern. I wasn't too crazy about the shell but I loved it just the same.

Through the years it became my main interest and i made sure EVERYONE knew it. Between printing out resources, making a fan site/ forum, filling composition books with fanart and comics, I was completely tama-obsessed.

My first fansite was hosted on Piczo (rip!) and was called TotalTamaLuv. It was just me gushing about everything & anything tama related + my art pieces. I soon created a forum of the same name, it only consisted of my and my small group of 3 friends who I got into Tamagotchi, but it didn't last very long. I had a lot of fun customizing those webpages and it was the catalyst to this, eventually having another site of my very own!!

I was semi-active (well mostly lurking) on forums like TamaTalk, Tama-Zone, and TamaCorner to name a few! My username was Crazie4Tamaz, and on TamaTalk I had a Tamagotchi log that I had fun with. I wish I had done more of this.

Guess what, crazie4tamaz! I'm proud to congratulate you that you have a regular! You know how stores have the regulars that go there often? Your Tamagotchi log has many regulars, I'm sure, and I'm one of them. Keep going!!!

I still remember the message this one user sent me. I couldn’t believe that there was a person out there who not only enjoyed my silly little thread but looked forward to updates.. it makes me so happy, and comments like that help remind me that there will always be someone out there who likes what I do, no matter how small & unimportant I feel.

I love finding little snippets of my younger self. There’s so much energy here. It’s interesting seeing how much of me has changed, and the things that remain within. Like I still use the ‘^_^’ emoticon & love the word ‘awesome’ hehe

There were 16 different Tamagotchis that I owned though my whole life, most of them were birthday and Christmas gifts. The first one that I bought with my own money was this one, a translucent pink v3. Won from my first time bidding on eBay. So exciting!

Currently , along with that one, I have [[[a melon soda keitai, glow in the dark v4, stained glass v4.5, familitchi v5, and a purple meets/on]]]. I would love to have more but I don't have the funds to splurge on 'gotchis like I want to haha

The one I miss the most of all is my mint green IDL, which was also the English version. I even had an infrared usb for transferring files to it!! I loved that thing to bits, i made a little cushion for it to sleep and hung my favorite charm on it (it was of Nyanko-sensei from Natsume Yuujinchou) unfortunately, it was ruined along with most of everything else I owed in 2016 due to a flood that came through. I would love to get a purple one some day! I also used to have a Kuchipatchi plush, a clear round backpack, and one of those case/deco kits for the Connections that I got as a gift one year and never got to use.

This is one of the only surviving remnants of that era of my life, The Tamagotchi Hotel, made from a shoe box and some stationery I got for Christmas one year! I still have most of the resources I printed out, including my little book with some tips and tricks in it. It was where my gotchis that weren’t being ran would go to relax! I used to have a little sign in sheet and everything. It's in rough shape but i'm so glad that i still have it!

Not pictured is a plush I made of Tensaitchi, who was always one of my favorite characters. I should totally make a new one now that I actually have sewing experience..