Dazey collects...

stickers, craft supplies, & more!

My love for stickers and stationery is something that began in my childhood! I used to take the reward stickers that my teachers would put on my classwork and put them in my own makeshift sticker book (lined paper stapled together) when I was in middle school, i joined the scrapbook club, and made layouts for the scrapbook i got for christmas. I never even used the book but I had fun making the pages.

My sticker binder is one of my favorite possessions! This is what the inside of my brain looks like. The binder itself is really old at this point, over 12 years (I first got the binder when I was around 15 I think?) since then it's been sticker’d and taped like crazy! It's filled with pretty much all my stickers!

highlights , fav spots

I keep others that don't fit in this little bag. Heres some of my favs.

My sewing machine is a Singer Simple named Stitch, which I got in 2018!